Sunday, December 25, 2011

Malarial prevention

Travellers should be advised that malaria may be prevented by following two simple rules:
Avoid mosquito bites; and take antimalarial medicines regularly
In order to avoid mosquito bites, travellers are advised to:
·         keep away from rural areas after dusk
·         sleep in air-conditioned or properly screened rooms
·         use insecticide sprays to kill any mosquitoes in the room or use mosquito coils at night
·         smear an insect repellent on exposed parts of the body; an effective repellent is diethyl-m-toluamide (Muskol, Repellem, Rid)
·         use mosquito nets (tuck under mattress; check for tears)
·         impregnate nets with permethrin (Ambush) or deltamethrin
·         wear sufficient light-coloured clothing, long sleeves and long trousers, to protect whole body and arms and legs when in the open after sunset
·         avoid using perfumes, cologne and after shave lotion (also attracts insects)

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