Sunday, December 25, 2011

Uric acid level

Uric acid level and how to lower it naturally - danger of high uric acid level, research by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Uric acid is the end product of purine degradation. It is catalyzed by the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is responsible for the production of uric acid and damaging free radicals. This is a central link in the association between serum uric acid and myocardial ischemia (lack of adequate oxygen to muscle tissue), myocardial dysfunction, which is determined primarily by impaired peripheral blood flow.
Natural ways to lower uric acid
Vitamin C may be helpful. See also gout for suggestions on how to lower uric acid levels.
Reduce your intake of sugared drinks. A higher intake of added sugars or sugar-sweetened drinks leads to higher blood levels of uric acid. Guidelines to a healthy diet are provided.

Role of vitamin C
The effects of vitamin C supplementation on serum concentrations of uric acid: results of a randomized controlled trial.
Arthritis Rheum. 2005 June. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA.
We undertook this study to determine the effects of vitamin C supplementation on serum uric acid concentrations. Study participants were 184 nonsmokers, randomized to take either placebo or vitamin C supplements 500 mg / day) for two months. At the end of the study period, serum uric acid levels were significantly reduced in the vitamin C group, but not in the placebo group. Supplementation with 500 mg / day of vitamin C for two months reduces serum uric acid, suggesting that vitamin C might be beneficial in the prevention and management of gout and other urate-related diseases.

A recent debate on uric acid has developed into a full blown war within the dog (Dalmatian) fancy community. Dalmatians have a fixed gene that causes them to have very high uric acid level which causes a small percentage of them to have urate stones. I read an article about Vitamin C and uric acid. From the information that I have gathered about vitamin C, I concluded that it might be a way to lower uric acid output in a dog. In the recent past, Dalmatian owners have been encouraged not to give vitamin C as it is a precursor to calcium oxalate. However, uric acid stones and calcium oxalate stones are two different types of urinary stones. The full blown war that I referred to above is not a small one. The research that is being done changes the breeds of dogs by genetic manipulation. This is a very well funded research program with no other option to solve the problem. I am looking for an option. I feel the researchers are “missing the boat”. Genetic manipulation is an extreme way to solve our particular problem. Would you know of any reason not to give high doses of vitamin C to a dog over its lifespan?
   I have not studied vitamin C and uric acid in dogs so I am not be able to provide an educated answer on this topic.
Many thanks to you for such a wonderful website! My uric acid levels are 10.4. Since altering my water intake and nutrition, my acute gout attacks have stopped. I have also been taking cherry extract and C in high dosages. I am looking for the best source of apigenin. Would a parsley extract or chamomile extract be sufficient? My uric acid levels drop to 7ish without drugs.
   Congratulations. We suggest a high intake of a variety of vegetables. See the gout link above. We really don't know at this time the best apigenin source, but parsley is easy to consume or a regular basis, and chamomile tea can be drank in the evening.

Cherry juice
Lowers uric acid levels when given to marathon runners. Cherry extract and juice have other health benefits.

Weight loss
I was on a diet and had just lost 25 pounds when I got a gout attack. What could cause this since losing weight is supposed to help reduce uric acid levels and prevent gout.
   Rapid weight loss has the potential to temporarily raise uric acid levels and precipitate a gout attack.
High blood uric acid, danger and side effects
High uric acid levels in the bloodstream is called hyperuricemia, a condition in which serum urate concentration is above 6.8 mg per deciliter. Too much uric acid may not cause gout symptoms for years, but after a time it can cause painful joint inflammation. The problem is often not with the amount of uric acid produced by the body, but the fact that the body, or more specifically the kidneys, cannot excrete it well. High blood levels of uric acid are significantly associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, also know as hypertension, in blacks, particularly black men.
High blood levels of uric acid are a strong predictor of death from cardiovascular disease, stroke and all causes. Uric acid is a product of the breakdown of nitrogen compounds, and is normally excreted in urine. It has been recognized for decades that uric acid is found at high levels in the joints of people with gout. Uric acid may trigger inflammation and a strong immune response. Arthritis & Rheumatism, February 15, 2009.
Stages of gout
Asymptomatic hyperuricemia, acute flares, intercritical segments, and advanced gout. For quite a number of years, high uric acid levels deposit uric acid in tissues and during this time there are no gout symptoms. Then, an acute gout attack occurs, followed by periods of remission and more acute gout attacks, eventually leading to advanced gout.
Treatment of chronic gout
Drugs are used to help the kidneys excrete more uric acid. These are called uricosuric drugs. These drugs include allopurinol, probenecid, and sulfinpyrazone. Allopurinol blocks the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine to uric acid. Allopurinol is appropriate for gout patients who are overproducers of uric acid. Allopurinol is taken once daily. Rare and life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions are possible with allopurinol use. Other agents include uricase enzymes that catabolize uric acid to a more soluble form which is readily excreted by the kidneys. One such drug is Rasburicase which became available in 2002, however serious side effects such as anaphylaxis, hemolysis, and methemoglobinemia can occur.
Uric acid and memory
Older adults with high-normal levels of uric acid are significantly more likely than those with low-moderate concentrations to experience mild cognitive impairment (loss of mental ability or memory).

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